
Friday 4 October 2013


Here's a quick exercise for you- get a friend, and each of you need to write down something you like about yourself and then you must give the paper to your friend. Now, crumple up the piece of paper given to that person, and try and straighten it.
The result is- you can never get that piece of paper into the same state that you first gave it away in.

Now ask yourself: "What is victimization?"
Victimization is when someone takes a person and sees a "weakness" in them, and uses that person's weakness to make that person feel inferior, either physically or emotionally. A good simile for "victimization" is "bullying". Plain and simple- let's just get it out there- as soon as you pick on someone and make them feel like they are inferior- you become a bully.

There is a theory is that states that every emotion has a base emotion of either love, or fear. I can tell you right now that a bully definitely does NOT act out of love.

So- the person who is victimizing the other person is acting on fear plus a different negative emotion.

The reason I'm writing this- is because I'm feeling really strongly about the topic, because of the situation I am in at the moment.

For all of you people being bullied out there- here's something that I hope will help you.

Firstly- we need to understand that bullies are people too, and no- you DON'T always have to like everyone you come across, but you need to tolerate them.

Secondly- we need to realize that this person is "sick". Not physically, but emotionally something is bothering them- and to a degree, we all have this "sickness" in us. Some of us act out on it, the rest of us don't. The people who act out on the "sickness" is what we classify as bullies
 Normally bullies act out on jealousy and because they feel threatened by the person they are picking on, so they seek out that person's weakness and start using that against them.  The sickness could be a couple of things- their jealousy, or somewhere else they are being bullied.

Thirdly- This person who is victimizing you is never ever EVER going to change their ways unless they are put into a situation which is going to force them to change and come back down to Earth. At the moment- for them, it's about dominance, and how badly they can make you feel about yourself, and how low they can hit and kick you to the ground. For them- the lower you are on the heirarchy, the better, and I can promise you that it isn't going to get better. Eventually you are going to start doubting yourself- if this hasn't happened yet, and if you're reading this- it most probably has and you are looking for answers.

Now, with this in mind- take a look at yourself. You are beautiful, and you are smart, and unique. You have a unique personality, and you are you. Nothing ANYONE else ever says is ever going to change that.

You are strong to have made it this far without help- but just keep in mind that sometimes you need to be strong enough to ask for help.


Because firstly- this person is "sick" and does need help. So by asking for help for yourself, you are getting help for this person too and the other people that this person is victimizing, and in the long run- you will actually be helping them. This is an act of love, not fear. Maybe it's a situation where you would be kinder by telling someone than to just let it go.

Secondly- This person will continue doing what they're doing because you're too nice to want to hurt them. But beneath it all, they're still the alpha- and will remain an alpha until someone starts to fight back, but by then it might be too late unless you do something about it now.

So there are three ways you can do this:
Either you can retaliate directly, and go at this person and get your hands dirty (no, don't fight physically unless they hit first), but I suggest avoiding a situation like that at all costs- because the world has enough conflict as it is- or you can get an adult involved who can help you.
Otherwise just ignore this person and avoid them completely until it dies down- if it doesn't though, tell someone and get this person gone.

Look at your situation:

  • Is this person influencing you positively? 
  • Are they boosting your self-confidence in any way? 
  • Are they helping you at all? 

If this person is doing nothing for you except hurting you, then it's high time you get rid of them.

The Glitch

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