
Sunday 29 September 2013

Don't be that guy.. or girl... don't be that person!

Okay! So THIS is one of the things that irritates me the most- ATTENTION SEEKERS!

"I'm forever alone"- on Facebook, or "Nobody loves me"... Really? If no one loved you, you wouldn't be around. Your parents love you, and I'm pretty sure that your friends like you a whole lot! If a person speaks to you, it means that they like you... unless they're saying mean things... but I'm sure you understand what I mean.

Don't be that person who is always feeling sorry for themselves... that drives people away! Instead- try the positive approach and be happy with what you have and who you are- after all- your own choices have turned you into the person you've become by now.

Just remember- you always have a choice, and there will be consequences to each choice you make, so choose the one with the least consequences and you'll live a happier life.

The Glitch

Friday 27 September 2013


I am a youngest child, and I know for a fact that I get away with a lot more than what my sister did as a child. For example, she used to look after me when my mom was busy, and she would have to play with me even if she didn't want to, otherwise she would get into trouble.
Nicky and I

Being the youngest, I was quite a brat, always demanding everything I wanted and arguing, and saying "But Nicky can do it!", never thinking about the fact that my sister was older, and that's why she was allowed to do things that I couldn't do- like go to the movies with her friends.

My parents made a rule at one stage that if one of us had to go somewhere, the other had to go. This to me was very unfair, because my friends always seemed to get along better with my sister, and by the end of the day when they would come and visit, they would be hanging out with my sister, and not with me- regardless of who they were visiting. It made me feel very belittled and upset, because if I wanted to hang out with my sister's friends she would never let me, but she would bully her way into my own friendships.

When I was ten I figured it was better not having friends, because my sister would just take them away anyway- so I stopped inviting people over, and I stopped going to friends. When I did go to friends I didn't go back, because I felt like they didn't like me, so every time they asked, I would say that my mom said no, even if I didn't ask her if I could go.

It was only in this year that I started making friends again and actually wanting to go to my friends and invite them over. Unfortunately this holiday I wasn't able because I was so busy.

I'm grateful for my sister, because she was always there to protect me- even if she did 'steal' my friends away, and even though sometimes I feel like I can never be as good as her, she told me that I need to start accepting myself for who I am, and if I do that, other people will too, and this proved to be true. This was when I realized I had a friend all along- my sister.

I started accepting myself now, and working towards bettering myself physically and in my personality, and I've created goals for myself. Now that I'm striving to become a better person, I'm finding it easier to make friends and figure out the type of people I want to be friends with.

People are associated with the type of people they hang out with, and although it isn't always ideal (especially for teenagers) to hang out with nerds, I prefer it. But I don't just stick to one particular group of people, instead I try and be nice to everyone I come across, keeping an open mind and accepting them for who they are and I find that people like me more than when I used to be nice to only one particular group of people.

Point is- even though it's hard to make friends, try being nice to everyone and gain your friends that way.

The Glitch

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Gaming is a big part of my life, when I'm not at school and not doing homework, I'm gaming.

Normally I enjoy MMORPG's like WoW and Rift, and simulations like Sims (I'm a total Sims addict, I had all of the Sims 1 at one stage, then all of the Sims 2 except the last one, and now I have most of the Sims 3, so I'm pretty stoked with The Sims 4 being released in 2014).

My main console is my laptop, weird right? Maybe not, but I enjoy being comfortable. Xbox confuses me anyway, and Wii? I don't like the graphics. I have a Playstation 2 that I never ever ever use, partly because I get bored very easily, and partly because it's a lot of effort to take it out and pack it away every time I want to use it. I'm very lazy so I just don't use it.

I'm a nocturnal gamer, so to stay awake at night I like to listen to music with a good beat-

so here's my gaming playlist:
1. Rage against the Machine- Fistful of Steel
2. Black Veil Brides- In the End
3. Amaranthe- Burn with me
4. Asking Alexandria- The final Episode
5. Avenged Sevenfold- Nightmare
6. Breaking Benjamin- I will not bow
7. Killswitch Engage- My Curse
8. Motionless in White- Abigail
10. Get Scared- Problematic
11. Her Bright Skies- Ghosts of the Attic
12. Nightwish- Nemo
13. Oh, Sleeper- The Pitch
14. Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit
15. AC/DC - Thunderstruck
16. Survivor- Eye of the Tiger
17. The Word Alive- Life Cycles
18. White Widow- Reprobate Romance
19. Seether- FMLYHM
20. The Death Note opening theme song for the first few episodes up until "L" dies...
21- to the rest. These are the ones that become really upbeat and then mellow and then the entire playlist replays until I get tired and decide to go to bed.

Anyway! I'm off to go do things and watch things on Youtube and waste away eating junkfood, leave your comments below as to what you listen to when you game!

The Glitch

Tuesday 24 September 2013


People like me are so easily trusting, and don't really know how to say no, so all of you easily manipulated people out there- say it with me.. "N-O"

A lot of the time teenagers want to be exactly like their peers, so when someone offers you whatever they're having, you're more likely to say yes. The problem with that is that it might be something really bad for you, like drugs, and you could end up dead, and all of that is conveniently forgotten when trying to fit in- because being "awesome" is pretty much all that matters to society, and that is so wrong!

I say that you always have to look at the pros and cons in a situation before giving in and saying yes- because to every choice there will be consequences, just choose the choice with the least consequences and you should be fine.

Fitting in isn't what should matter to us, what ought to matter is finding out who we are and showing that beautiful side of us to the world, because after all- if we were all the same, and drugged up, or all alcoholics, it could become pretty boring... and no, I'm not saying "Don't drink", I'm saying "don't drink and drive!" but yes, I'm saying no to drugs... it's a waste of money anyway because you get a high and then hit a low... rather buy a ton of coffee and game all night!!

That's it though, look at the consequences and what a situation can do to improve your life before making a decision.

The Glitch

Monday 23 September 2013

Metalheads out there!

Okay- so this is probably what I have to deal with most of the time... I like heavy metal... really, I do, and of course a lot of people see this as unacceptable according to their 'norms', but this is what I have to say about it- screw your norms... I believe that what other people think is 'normal' according to society, doesn't always mean that you will be happy.

Being 'normal' will eventually leave a world full of clones and honestly- the thought alone scares the hell out of me! Individualism was created so that we could all be different, so why are we trying so hard to change each other to suit ourselves? Can't we all just get along?

Why should we all be normal if we can just wake up being satisfied as ourselves? Salvador Dali said the best thing that opened my eyes to that reality: "Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure- that of being Salvador Dali." - uh, yeah, this guy was nuts, but what he said really makes sense to me as a person.

A song from Motionless in White says it very well : "open your mind before you open your mouth"

It doesn't matter what people look like, or how they act, it doesn't matter if their hair is black, or blue or blond or brown or red... people are all made of the same stuff- bones, blood, organs, skin and hair. So deal with it... And no; I'm not saying that the people who listen to pop music or classical or trance, club, or any of the other genres are wrong- because I listen to all of it. I'm just saying don't judge according to a person's music taste- I mean, who knows, that person you're calling a fag because he dyes his hair black could be a really nice guy.

Think before you speak, and always start with yourself, and you'll see that slowly the world around you will begin to change.

Feel free to leave your comments below, and discuss this as well- your input would be really appreciated.

The Glitch

Hey there!!

Okay! So I finally decided to create a blog that will actually make sense!

This blog is called "The Glitch" , because "glitch" is the word that is used to describe a fault in a system, normally computer related, but I wanted to create a play on the word, and knowing this- I realized a lot of teenagers feel like they are never good enough, and I wanted to make a blog to show you, the person reading this, that even though you might see yourself as a "glitch", you can still take that flaw and use it to your advantage.

The blog isn't going to be completely just on life advice though, it's also going to be on a lot of nerdy things like gaming and computers, as well as social networking and all those other things that involve the internet and teenage life.

So sit back, relax, and read to your heart's delight... maybe I'll achieve by helping you a bit <3

The Glitch